Safi Kitchen

Southern Ghawr, Jordan


Safi Kitchen is a non-profit organization that aims to preserve the local culture and natural resources to promote the southern region of the Jordan Valley (Ghawr) as a tourist destination throughout the year. The key beneficiaries of the kitchen are local women and youth who are short of financial opportunities in their communities. They participate in an authentic farm and meal experience to showcase their tradition and culture through food.

By engaging in tourism activities, community members receive a much-needed income from the kitchen. Women can now make their own financial decisions and youth are leading up conservation activities in their communities. 

The community continues to value their environment and more businesses are being led by women. They are also sharing their culture authentically.

people employed
Community members benefitting
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Critical Need

Al-Safi Kitchen was opened at the end of 2019 in the southern Jordan Valley, hosting visitors to the area and making the region a distinct tourist destination that provides high-quality services that reflect the local cultural heritage.

However, since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Safi Kitchen has struggled to find customers and make the project successful.

Our Involvement

Through a partnership with Safi Kitchen, Planeterra facilitated a market connection to the tourism sector, where travellers enjoy an authentic meal experience and understand the traditional methods of farming in Jordan while seeing the fresh ingredients picked and used in their meals. They also get an opportunity to learn about how this community is using agriculture to preserve their environment.

Safi Kitchen provides a traditional lunch, tea and snacks to travellers. They also have an in-community bike trail for active travellers with a mountainous backdrop. The tour is led by youth from the community who are receiving an income from the tours.

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