What we do

Planeterra works with community tourism enterprises that invest their time and profits in creating a better future for the people where they live. Our goal is to break down barriers for local enterprises to achieve their unique goals – be it women’s empowerment, cultural celebration, environmental sustainability, improving access to healthcare and education, or breaking down barriers for communities often left behind.

Migrantour Rome Rome, Italy


We provide community tourism enterprises with access to our online training tools, to help communities grow their organization’s strength and local impact.


We have created a global network of community tourism enterprises, supporting one another through peer-to-peer learning and connecting via online platforms and through events. 


We help to promote community tourism worldwide, while providing our partners with the resources to grow, a platform for their voices to be heard, and potential market access to our travel partners.

Meals & Food

We work with restaurants and cafés that are providing jobs, training and skills for marginalized populations, or supporting non-profits with mandates that benefit communities, women and youth.

A few meals projects:
Tribal Textiles Mfuwe, Zambia


We work with transportation providers that provide jobs, and training to make an impact. Many are empowering women to take on these roles traditionally reserved for male counterparts, breaking down gender inequality.

A few transportation projects:
Women with Wheels New Delhi, India


We work with social enterprises that provide accommodation around the globe. Some are homestays and some are hotels but all use their income to meet their own community development goals. These goals can include, income generation, reducing youth migration, and cultural preservation.

A few accommodation projects:
Jukil Community Lodge Santiago de Agencha, Bolivia


We work with many social enterprises that sell handicrafts. Ensuring travelers are able to support and purchase locally made crafts directly from creators.

A few handicrafts projects:
Ccaccaccollo Women's Weaving Co-op Sacred Valley, Perú

Tours & Experiences

We work with social enterprises that provide unique tours and experiences all around the world. It is important for travelers to seek out tours that work to empower local people, traditions, and the environment.

A few tours & experiences projects:
Gotshezhy Wiwa Community Tourism Sierra Nevada, Colombia