Global Community Tourism Network

Empowering Nepal: Meet the woman behind the Panauti Community Homestay

Written by Nicole Melancon

In the hills of Kathmandu Valley lies the ancient village of Panauti, renowned for its culture, traditions, and well-preserved Newari architecture. At the heart of the community is the Panauti Community Homestay, a women-led initiative that started in 2012 and today has spread to 36 communities throughout Nepal, creating hope, inspiration, and opportunity for rural communities worldwide. Meet the women behind the movement.

Panauti Community Homestay Nepal

This past May, as part of the Community Homestay Network’s #CommunityConnect, I traveled to Nepal to experience community tourism firsthand. As part of the Community Homestay Network program in Panauti, I stayed with Shila Amatya and her family in her home where I learned the inspiring story of how Shila became the first woman to open her home to travelers in 2012 sparking a movement that has empowered women and changed lives across Nepal. Today, she is the President of Panauti Community Homestay, one of the most successful homestays in Nepal. 

The Pioneer

Shila was born in the Terai Lowlands of south-central Nepal near Chitwan National Park where she met her husband Ashok Amatya, who was working as a tour guide. Over a home-cooked dinner of Dal bhat (Nepalese lentil curry and rice), Shila sat down with us at her kitchen table to tell us the story.  

“It was a love marriage,” confided Shila with a smile, “which was unusual at the time, and a little difficult because we are from different castes. I am Chhetri and Ashok is Newar. However, we made it work and after our marriage, we moved 200 km away to Panauti as it is the tradition in Nepal for the bride to move to her husband’s hometown”. 

Ashok began working as a guide in 2002 with Royal Mountain Travel taking him frequently to the Himalayas for long trekking trips. Like most Nepalese women, Shila spent her days rising before dawn to clean the home, prepare meals, and care for her young daughter while her husband was away. 

It was through his work as a guide at Royal Mountain Travel that Ashok met Shiva Dhakal (the founder), and they quickly became friends. During a visit to Panauti to attend a family festival with Ashok, Shiva experienced Panauti differently by being part of the community’s celebration.

While he had visited Panauti several times before, this time he realized what a beautiful, meaningful experience it was and how much Panauti has to offer travelers. Panauti is close to the capital city, filled with history, beauty, and culture. Yet few tourists have experienced Panauti or more so, real Nepali life. 

Shiva had come from a large, close-knit family in rural Nepal and understood the power of family, tradition and community empowerment. He also believed strongly in the socio-economic importance of community tourism as a way to showcase the culture and beauty of lesser-known rural destinations in Nepal and use travel as a force for good. 

Shila Amatya President of Panauti Community Homestay

After decades of working in the tourism industry with Royal Mountain Travel, he witnessed the profound ability of community tourism to uplift lives. With this ideology in mind, Shiva came up with an inspiring idea.   

Shiva recommended to Ashok that he and Shila receive some of their Royal Mountain Travel trekking guests at their home, in one of their spare rooms to share their culture and experience life with a local Nepali family. They began taking in guests and it was a win-win situation. Travelers loved the meaningful, authentic experience and Shila earned additional income to support the home. 

“Tourists loved Panauti. They would come for a visit but after sightseeing they went somewhere else for food and lodging. We understood that we had a lot to offer them so decided to open up our homes” Shila told me. 

Slowly, Shila and Ashok convinced other women to open their homes to travelers. It wasn’t easy in the beginning as the concept of homestays was new. Furthermore, there was a lot of doubt in the community that a women-led business could succeed. However, women began to see the positive impact it was making on Shila’s life, and they were more willing to give it a try. “At the time there was no opportunity for many women in our village except working inside the home, cooking, cleaning and taking care of children. Women like me, wanted to earn money, improve our lives and status in society. So we began forming our grassroots homestay initiative”. 

Over time, the concept stuck and the movement grew. Travelers loved the experience of seeing the untapped beauty and diversity of Nepal, and the women involved in the homestay earned additional income and were empowered.

In 2012, ten women from the community joined forces to run the Panauti Community Homestay, and in 2017 after positive feedback from both the community homestay women and the guests, Shiva launched Community Homestay Network (CHN).

CHN is a social enterprise that supports a network of community homestays throughout Nepal. CHN connects travelers with communities across Nepal, providing a unique opportunity to stay with Nepali families and immerse in real Nepali life. At the same time, local host families get the opportunity to share their culture and landscapes with travelers while gaining access to a sustainable source of income through tourism. 

The authentic experiences CHN offers travelers are created to have a positive impact on Nepali communities, women, and families, as well as on the travelers themselves. Best of all, all the homestays and experiences are created by the community. They are community-driven and community-led, by women.

With a shared vision and dedication to empowering local communities, Planeterra and CHN have forged a powerful partnership over the years. Together, they’ve worked to link CHN’s homestays with travel companies like G Adventures, ensuring a steady stream of travelers and boosting income for community members. Through this collaboration, CHN and Planeterra are fostering and promoting the growth of community tourism in Nepal.

Today, there are 362 households in 36 communities impacting the lives of over 1748 people, and it all started with Shila’s home. 

“All over Nepal there are 36 homestays and I started this” Shila told us proudly during the second night at her home. “Slowly it expanded all over Nepal. I’m so happy, I thank God I have this opportunity, for me and my family.”

Community Connect Participants Visiting Panauti
Community Connect Participants Visiting Panauti

After tea, we moved into the family room, and Shila’s 20-year-old daughter, Amy, joined the conversation. As Amy artfully applied earth-toned henna on me and Sara’s arms, Shila continued her story. “Slowly over time, the movement grew. My friends wanted to join because they saw what I was doing and were inspired. In 2015 we developed other community offerings for our guests such as a community hike and then the Panauti Bike station for our cycling tours. We employ almost 50 people in the community and the network has grown to 15 houses.”

Even Shila’s daughter Amy is involved and has worked with the tightly-knit group of homestay mamas for the past four years. While she just received her degree in Information Technology, Amy supports the Panauti CHN as often as she can by giving community tours.  Shila is now the President of Panauti Community Homestay, and as the pioneer of one of the most successful, women-led community homestays in Nepal, she and her team have trained other women in and outside of her community sharing entrepreneurial skills and how to run a successful homestay.

“There have been many ups and downs along the way,” Shila says. “The pandemic and the earthquake were difficult times when we had to close our homestay program. We also had to build trust within our community that a women-led business would succeed. That was hard too but we never gave up and always persevered. Today we have a voice in our community, respect and also support from our local government. I feel so proud”. 

During our stay in Panauti, we did many activities designed by the Panauti Community Homestay mamas with preserving their unique culture and heritage in mind. We had a traditional purse-making class where we learned the techniques used by the women’s grandmothers. We also participated in a cooking class hosted by our CHN mamas in their kitchen where we prepared momos (a traditional Nepali steam-filled dumpling).

We ended our visit with a large Newari feast featuring over 15 traditional Newari foods accompanied by dancing performed by two young girls in the community.  “By doing these programs, we ensure our culture and traditions are not lost,” Shila told us. “The two young girls dancing during the feast learned this style of dance thanks to our scholarship funds from the CHN program.

Of the 80% of the income received through our homestay program (20% goes to CHN to cover training and other administrative fees), 20% of that pool goes into a fund that is reinvested back into community initiatives.

The fund is used for English and cooking lessons for the mamas, and for other training to help preserve culture and teach women how to run a hospitality business. 

Cooking Class: Making Momos

The impact

The Community Homestay program has been life-changing for Shila and the other Community Homestay mamas. The socio-economic empowerment of the program has been incredible for everyone involved. 

“In Nepal women are always on the backside, meaning working inside the house and taking care of children, cleaning and cooking, and only the husband makes money,” Shila told us. “With the Community Homestay Network, women can earn income for the first time. We can spend money on our children’s health and education. We no longer have to ask our husband’s permission to buy something. We even have our own bank accounts. It has been incredibly empowering.” 

The program has also given women a voice in their community along with leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Moreover, it has lifted women’s status and respect in a patriarchal society. 

“In our society, women are not always respected but now I am, ” Shila confided to Sara and I. “People in the community now know who I am. While the project is small, I am very proud. I have big things in my life now, the local government is supporting me too”. 

Another benefit of the program is it promotes sustainable tourism by bringing travelers to lesser-known destinations, easing the tourism strain on the environment and showcasing cultures and traditions that are unique to each community. As more and more youth leave the villages for work and education in Kathmandu or abroad, traditional life, culture, and heritage are being lost. “Nepal has over 142 ethnic groups and castes all with their own culture, language, dress, food, and traditions” Shila informed us. “Each one is different and must be preserved, which we are trying to do”. Community Homestay Network mamas design programs to promote and safeguard these traditional arts, cooking, dance, music, and more.   

The impact for the guests

As Shila intricately wrapped me inside a stunning, elaborate saree, preparing me for our last night, the grand finale, an impressive hour-long Newari feast, and dance, my eyes began to fill with tears. The past two days with Shila, her family, and the warm, welcoming mamas of the Panauti Community Homestay were magnificent. Any doubts I had about returning to Nepal and wondering if I could ever be as special to me as it was before, dissipated into the back of my mind. 

As Shila braided my hair into a lachha (a Newari hairpiece decoration) all I could do was smile at her with a deep, loving sense of gratitude. The past two days were such a beautiful, unforgettable experience where I truly was able to connect with Nepali culture and life. But what I enjoyed the most, was the connection that me and Shila had made. In only two short days, I no longer felt like a guest but like part of her family, living side by side in her home. What an incredible gift.

If you go:

Check out all the amazing experiences and available homestays at CHN runs homestays in 36 different communities throughout Nepal, with several that are conveniently located in Kathmandu Valley and easily accessible from Kathmandu. Trips can be booked directly or as part of a G Adventures Nepal trip


Nicole Melancon

About the author:

Nicole is a freelance travel writer, content creator, and digital strategist with a passion for sustainable travel and storytelling that began after a life-changing trip to Nepal in 2010. The plight of the people she met compelled her to join a growing movement of dedicated journalists, content creators, and humanitarians striving to raise awareness, funds, and impact change fueled by the collective power of our online presence and voice. For the past 14 years, Nicole has worked with various nonprofits and social impact organizations sharing their stories on her blog which focuses on sustainable, adventure travel and social good. She recently dove into freelance journalism and has been published in National Geographic, BBC, Toronto Star, and more. She also works as the Content Editor for GLP Films, an award-winning full-service content marketing agency dedicated to sustainable tourism.

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Crafting Connections and Building Opportunities through the Community Haat Bazaar

Written by Sazza K.C. and Rubik Joshi from Community Homestay Network

Tracing the journey from conception to realization, the Community Homestay Network and Planeterra recently joined forces to unite Global Community Tourism Network (GCTN) Nepal partners in a dynamic marketplace. Hear our story of how we turned an idea into a reality, along with the key takeaways and lessons learned from the event.

Community-Haat-Bazaar attendees visiting one of the stands

Forging a Sustainable Future: Planeterra and CHN's Visionary Partnership in Community-Based Tourism

Established by Planeterra during the pandemic, the Global Community Tourism Network (GCTN) stands as a beacon of support for community tourism enterprises worldwide, actively dismantling barriers in the tourism marketplace. Through engaging activities like offering access to enriching online learning opportunities, fostering global connections among like-minded peers, and championing partnerships for increased visibility and sustainability, the GCTN is empowering community tourism enterprises to reach new heights. The emphasis here is on growth, learning, and collaboration—key ingredients for transforming dreams into reality.

As an active supporter of community tourism, Planeterra has been working together with the Community Homestay Network to support various community tourism enterprises and initiatives in Nepal. The objective of this partnership is to strengthen community tourism in Nepal by providing funding and knowledge-sharing sessions by bringing them under the GCTN partner network. The Community Haat Bazaar was one such initiative.

In the wake of the Planeterra team’s visit to Nepal for the First in-person meet of the GCTN, an interesting idea surfaced—to unite local members of the network under a common platform to showcase the local and traditional arts, products, and experiences—the notion aimed at fostering economic growth and providing extensive networking opportunities through organized events.

Subsequently, a series of monthly meetings unfolded between key stakeholders from the Community Homestay Network (CHN) and Priyanka Singh, Community Tourism Project Manager for Asia-Pacific at Planeterra. These discussions explored crucial considerations such as the nature of the event — whether it should be exclusive to GCTN Nepal partners or include other entities engaging in community tourism, budgeting considerations with potential assistance from Planeterra, and meticulous planning regarding when and where the event could take place. 

The collaboration between CHN and Planeterra emerged as a powerful synergy, with CHN as the organizing force and Planeterra contributing essential knowledge and resources to ensure the success of this community-building initiative. Together, we envisioned an event and a catalyst for sustainable growth and meaningful connections within the global community.

From Vision to Reality: CHN and Planeterra's Collaborative Journey in Creating a Dynamic and Inclusive Community Event - Community Haat Bazaar

The Importance of Fostering Community Growth for a Sustainable Collaboration

Long-term partnerships are the cornerstone of the sustainability of any event or project. By providing a stable foundation, these collaborations ensure consistency, effective resource utilization, and shared commitment to common goals. The gradual development of trust and rapport facilitates open communication and problem-solving, essential for overcoming challenges. Long-term partnerships also promote a continuous learning mindset, allowing collaborators to adapt and improve together over time. The sense of community fostered by long-term collaborations extends to stakeholders, creating a supportive ecosystem.

Members of GCTN Nepal partners share common goals that revolve around promoting sustainable development, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering positive socio-economic impacts. These shared goals reflect the commitment of community tourism enterprises to creating positive, sustainable, and culturally enriching tourism experiences for both visitors and local communities. Keeping these things in mind, the collaboration between CHN and Planeterra was initiated to foster the relationship between the GCTN Nepal partners; building a sense of community among collaborators. This not only includes the immediate partners but also extends to stakeholders and the broader community.

Before the conceptualization of the Community Haat Bazaar, we have also been organizing routine meet-ups (virtually) between our network partners to discuss how we can move forward with this collaboration. The Community Haat Bazaar was one such conception initiated to support our partner network members.

What is the Community Haat Bazaar?

The Community Haat Bazaar is a traditional open-air market aimed to bring the GCTN Nepal partners together and allow them to showcase their art and cultural commodities. This event serves as a multifaceted platform, bringing together community members, promoting local artisans and businesses, and creating a dynamic social and economic hub. 

The primary objective of the Community Haat Bazaar is to cultivate a sense of community among our community homestay members and visitors while providing economic growth opportunities to our network partners. The event was strategically designed to showcase and support local businesses. The market stalls featured an array of products, including handmade crafts, clothing, jewelry, and fresh produce, inviting local artisans, craftsmen, farmers, and entrepreneurs to display and sell their offerings.

In addition to the market aspect, the Community Haat Bazaar offers enriching experiences through workshops and interactive sessions. These sessions aim to educate participants on various cultural topics, such as the unique Ranjana Lipi script and the intricate Mithila Art. Beyond the economic boost, the event emphasizes community engagement and the creation of a vibrant social space.

Unveiling the Success of the Community Haat Bazaar

Following the conceptualization phase, we initiated collaborative efforts with our event partner, Planeterra. While CHN took the initiative to organize and manage the event, Planeterra provided funding and guidance for setting up the event. Furthermore, AVATA Wellness Centre provided the event venue in Baluwatar, Kathmandu. 

The Haat Bazaar was primarily marketed to the expat community, along with some of the key stakeholders of the travel industry. We wanted to expose our GCTN Nepal partners’ products and services to potential travellers and travel agents while creating a platform for the participants and an opportunity to network and connect with the visitors.

Collaborative promotional efforts besides promoting the event on digital platforms were also undertaken to amplify the reach of the event. With a common goal to promote tourism as a force of good, our sister entities from Royal Mountain Group of Companies played a crucial part in promoting the event. The same thing goes for the supporters of our co-organizing entity – Planeterra.

It was amazing to witness the synergy demonstrated by all these stakeholders involved in the promotion of the event, which shows that a well-planned communication strategy can work wonders when executed properly. A total of 8 organizations, including AVATA – our venue partner, participated in setting up a kiosk for the Community Haat Bazaar.

The fruition of all these efforts was reflected during the day of the event. All stakeholders involved were fully engaged throughout the entirety of the event. The venue; AVATA, witnessed a notable turnout of visitors that met our expectations, leading to an engaging event where people were busy exploring and involving themselves in the various local products and experiences provided by our enthusiastic partners. New connections were made along with the rejuvenation of existing partnerships. 

Notably, international travellers and expats came to the event, a testament to the success of our marketing efforts. In addition to that, other communities were invited to observe the Community Haat Bazaar, contributing to the event’s inclusive atmosphere. The day concluded with a feedback and reflection session, providing participants with an opportunity to share insights and experiences from this vibrant community-driven gathering.

After the success of the first edition, we are hopeful that this would be a good and replicable model to show what goes behind planning an event and how one can truly support community-based events to garner a wide audience resulting in success.

Lessons from the First Edition of the Community Haat Bazaar

In reflection, the Community Haat Bazaar not only served as a vibrant marketplace but also offered invaluable insights and learnings. The event highlighted a strategic shift in our approach, emphasizing the importance of expanding our reach to customer-centric audiences rather than exclusively focusing on business partners. The sense of belonging experienced by GCTN Nepal Partners’ community members showed the significance of such gatherings, providing not just economic opportunities but also fostering a deeper connection within the community.

Some pictures of the event, courtesy of Community Homestay Network:

The seamless orchestration by the CHN team, coupled with the active involvement of Planeterra partners and GCTN members, emerged as pivotal factors in the event’s success.

Looking forward, the importance of pre-scheduled communication with supporting partners and clear expectation management for participants became evident, emphasizing the need for meticulous planning in future endeavours.

The event not only marked a celebration of culture but also laid the foundation for continued community empowerment and sustainable growth.

About the authors:

Sazza K.C. and Rubik Joshi are two dedicated team members of the Community Homestay Network (CHN), a social enterprise that supports a network of community homestays in Nepal. Sazza works as a Product Development Expert, while Rubik is their Social Media Manager.

CHN is one of our Strategic Partners in Nepal with whom Planeterra has joined forces to support the members of our Global Community Tourism Network.


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Responsible Travel for a Better Future

Written by Aayusha Prasain – CEO, Community Homestay Network
Responsible travel emphasizes respect for local communities, cultures, and the environment while exploring new destinations. It encourages travelers to make conscious choices that have a positive impact, such as supporting local businesses, minimizing their carbon footprint, and preserving natural and cultural heritage.

By practicing responsible travel, individuals can contribute to sustainable development, foster cross-cultural understanding, and leave a lasting legacy for future generations to enjoy. However, with the looming threat of climate change, having a better sustainable future for the next generations seems uncertain. 

Nevertheless, it is just not enough to be uncertain, having an action to mitigate it is very important. When we encounter terms like climate action and biodiversity crisis, we often come across complex concepts that may be challenging for the general public to comprehend. However, it is crucial for everyone to understand and address climate action since it is a shared responsibility that affects each and every one of us. 

Strengthening Community Tourism

In an effort to promote community tourism and address pressing environmental issues, Planeterra, a pioneer in community tourism, organized a peer-to-peer learning workshop for its Nepal partners.

The workshop aimed to facilitate discussions on climate action, the biodiversity crisis, and the importance of local solutions. As part of its commitment to supporting community tourism enterprises, Planeterra established the Global Community Tourism Network (GCTN) during the pandemic, with the goal of breaking down barriers in the tourism marketplace and enhancing the capacity, quality, and accessibility of community tourism worldwide.

Recognizing that addressing climate action requires collective efforts, we, Community Homestay Network (CHN) as a strategic partner of the GCTN here in Nepal joined forces to co-plan and co-execute the workshop, held on June 27, 2023.

The session aimed to foster engagement and knowledge-sharing among various stakeholders in Nepal, while promoting best practices in community tourism and addressing the urgent challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.

During the session, participants from different community-based tourism enterprises such as Social Tours, Hands on Institute, Girls Empowered by Travel, Nagarkot Community Homestay, Kirtipur Community Homestay, Panauti Community Homestay and Panuati Bike Station had the opportunity to learn and share about successful models of community-based tourism. They delved into topics such as how to effectively run a community-based tourism experience and understand its wide-ranging impacts and ripple effects.

The discussion emphasized the role of community tourism in addressing the ongoing climate action and biodiversity crisis. By adopting sustainable practices, community tourism can become a catalyst for positive change, promoting responsible travel and mitigating environmental impacts.

The discussion was further facilitated by a collaborative learning and problem-solving process where participants were engaged in a workshop. The workshop also explored the role of the GCTN in mitigating these challenges.

By fostering engagement and providing a platform for knowledge-sharing, the GCTN can contribute to the growth and sustainability of responsible and ethical travel. The partnership between the GCTN and CHN presents an exciting opportunity to harness the power of community-based tourism in addressing the ways to build responsible travel and work on climate action and biodiversity crisis.

Through meaningful engagement and the sharing of best practices, this collaboration aims to promote responsible and sustainable tourism models that benefit local communities and the environment.

Fostering Collaboration and Sharing Best Practices

The session served as a crucial step towards a more responsible and inclusive tourism industry, where community-based initiatives hold significant importance in shaping a positive future for both travelers and local communities.

The best practices for reducing single-use plastics were shared by the communities while the importance of switching to renewable sources of energy was also discussed. The discussions highlighted that these changes not only contribute to making one destination cleaner and greener but also raise awareness among travelers, encouraging responsible behavior in other locations.

The dynamic conversations and collaborative atmosphere allowed all partners to connect and establish relationships for future joint collaborations. As an organization committed to providing community-based tourism experiences that directly benefit local communities through homestays, this platform provided a valuable opportunity for us to exchange ideas with like-minded initiatives and organizations.

We anticipate that this gathering will foster long-term collaboration and contribute to the promotion of responsible tourism practices in Nepal.

Aayusha Prasain, CEO- Community Homestay Network

About the author:

As the CEO of Community Homestay Network (CHN), Aayusha is working towards strengthening the organization while streamlining and scaling the impact of tourism across communities. Along with her team at CHN, she also works towards bringing local actors into the tourism value chain and promoting responsible and inclusive tourism. 

Visit to learn more about CHN’s work.

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Traveling off the beaten path with Sharing Seeds in Sarangkot Pandeli

Written by Eliane – Student Researcher from Sharing Seeds
Traveling sustainably and responsibly has been trending within the past few years. An awareness regarding cultural loss and increasing levels of pollution due to mainstream tourism has been raised and tour operators as well as travelers are longing for a change. But how can one travel sustainably?

One option to do so can be found in Sarangkot Pandeli the beautiful village near the tourism capital of Nepal, Pokhara City which is a gateway to the world-famous Annapurna conservation region.  

Sarangkot, a small village close to Pokhara, Nepal, is known for its beautiful sunsets and the view over Pokhara and Phewa Lake. However, if you look beyond the well-known sights and mainstream tourist spots, you can learn much more about the community, culture and the production of local products. 

Explore Evenmore Tour and Travels, in partnership with not-for-profit Sharing Seeds, aims to promote sustainable tourism in this area by focusing on guiding visitors off the mainstream routes and towards the local communities.

Knowing what is best for the community, Aabiskar Thapa, Founder and Managing Director of  Sharing Seeds, and his team run three projects that concentrate on the production of local products, like coffee and honey and work to help women gain independence in their communities. 

More information on some of Sharing Seeds’ Projects:

Organic Arabica Coffee Farming Project: 

  • Goal: Sustainable, local production of coffee; creating job opportunities 
  • How: Providing training and support to local farmers in coffee production 
  • Progress: 600 coffee tree plantations have already been planted in cooperation with 95 farmers


Recyclable Handicraft Project: 

  • Goal To empower local women to achieve financial independence
  • How: Providing basic sewing training for women
  • Progress: 40 women have already been trained through the program 


Organic Bee Farming Project:

  • Goal: Sustainable honey production 
  • How: Explain the importance of the role of bees to farmers   
  • Progress: 70 bee hives have been installed in cooperation with 5 bee farmers

In collaboration, Explore Evenmore Tour and Travels and Sharing Seeds developed a tour that combines hiking with learning to create added value for the visitors as well as the community in Sarangkot. The popular tour Secrets of Sarangkot: Arabica Coffee experience and local life guides the visitors along the beautiful Phewa Lakeshore, through the community jungle and stops at every project.

While visiting the projects the visitors get in-depth insights into the local life and working processes of local products while enjoying the beautiful landscape all along Pokhara. Through observation and conversations with locals, the visitors are immersed in the Nepalese culture and understand the impact that local organizations have on these communities. Furthermore, there is added value for the community through the exchange of knowledge with the tourists which helps to contribute to sustainable development in Nepal.

To sum up, Explore Evenmore Tour and Travels, in collaboration with Sharing Seeds,  offers a unique experience to visitors while raising awareness about the local culture, food and products and the importance of maintaining them. 

There is also added value for the community through the exchange of knowledge with the tourists which helps contribute to sustainable development in Nepal.

Sharing Seeds - Bee station

About Sharing Seeds:

Sharing Seeds is a not-for-profit social enterprise whose mission is to empower local farmers by providing knowledge and resources to cultivate organic Arabica coffee and practice organic beekeeping.

Visit to learn more about their inspiring work.

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Announcing the Global Community Tourism Fund 2023 recipients

Planeterra is thrilled to announce the recipients of the Global Community Tourism Fund 2023!

The Global Community Tourism Fund (GCTF) is one of Planeterra’s cornerstone initiatives to foster entrepreneurship and innovation for community tourism enterprises worldwide.

Through this program, Planeterra provides small grants of up to $3,000 USD to community tourism enterprises, along with community-specific training and mentorship. The GCTF aims to assist local entrepreneurs and communities in scaling up and improving existing tourism experiences.

We received numerous applications and our team was happy to read through the great proposals from our community partners all around the world. 

Deciding on this year’s recipients was not easy, but after careful evaluation, Planeterra has selected 18 organizations. Keep reading to find out more about their inspiring work!

Thanks to the generosity of our donors and supporters, we were able to more than double the number of beneficiaries compared to the inaugural edition of the GCTF in 2022. Read more about the fund recipients from last year, here.

The Americas

Centro de Turismo Comunitario La Moya (Comuna La Moya, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador)

La Moya, an indigenous community of Puruhá heritage, is made up of 50 families who have found a way to increase their income by sharing their knowledge in medicine, gastronomy, customs, and traditions rooted in their culture and worldview. 

Located 3,255 meters above sea level, in the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes, they offer unique tourism experiences that revolve around the sacred relationship between humans and the majestic Chimborazo mountain. Visitors have the opportunity to stay in their accommodations and explore the rich craftsmanship of the local women, who specialize in weaving camelid wool.

Through their work, La Moya also aims to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the páramo ecosystem, showcasing the harmonious coexistence between nature and their community.

Learn more about their work, here.

Asociación de Artesanas de Chorrera (Chorrera, Juan de Acosta, Colombia)

Asociación de Artesanas de Chorrera is a woman-led association of 130 artisans who specialize in crochet knitting, storytelling, and immersive experiences that invite travelers to, for example, “be an artisan for a day.”

They focus their work on preserving ancestral knowledge through their rich artisanal culture and community tourism initiatives.

They see tourism as a way to keep their traditions alive and through the fund, they seek to improve their current marketing material, including content for their website and social networks.

Learn more about their work, here.

Cooperativa de Agroturismo Red de Turismo Campesino (San Carlos, Salta Province, Argentina)

The Rural Community Tourism Network Cooperative (Cooperativa Red de Turismo Campesino) was established in 2008. They sell handicrafts, agricultural products, and tourism services as a means to protect their cultural heritage.

This initiative is managed by 25 local families who are also small-scale producers from rural communities in the beautiful Calchaquí Valley.

Learn more about their work, here.

Asociación de Mujeres María del Mar Bocagrande (Tumaco, Nariño, Colombia)

Maria del Mar Bocagrande is a woman-led association that operates on a beach facing significant erosion challenges. Their main goal is to create economic alternatives for their community, especially for young single mothers.

They see tourism as a way to do so and therefore offer services such as river transportation, accommodation, meals, whale-watching tours and wellness activities.

Learn more about their work, here.

Sociedad de Turismo Comunitario Suni Uta Choquemarka (Suni Uta Choquemarca -Caripe Community, Sajama Province, Bolivia)

The Suni Uta Choquemarca – Caripe community is located in Bolivia’s first protected area, the Sajama National Park. One of the reasons they became a community organization was to generate economic opportunities and address the issue of youth migration.

Through their tourism initiatives, Suni Uta Choquemarca – Caripe has successfully provided permanent employment for five community members, contributing to the local economy and offering stability within the community. Their goals also include the conservation of natural resources.

Learn more about their work, here.

Jamao Eco Tours (Jamao Al Norte, Espaillat, Dominican Republic)

Jamao Eco Tours is a community project made up of twenty young community members from the Municipality of Jamao al Norte. They work to protect the local environment while creating sustainable opportunities through tourism so that other people can enjoy it as well.

This project is also supporting local community members to create economic independence.

Learn more about their work, here.

San Vicente Ecoturismo, Ambiomas org (San Joaquín Morelos, Tlalpujahua de Rayón, Michoacán, México)

San Vicente Ecotourism comprises a dedicated team of 15 individuals who are passionate about preserving the firefly ecosystem in the town of San Joaquín Morelos. Over the course of four years, they have been actively promoting nature tourism in the local forests. Their primary objective is to generate employment opportunities for the community and the surrounding regions.

Additionally, they collaborate with researchers to enhance their knowledge of the firefly species found in the area. Apart from captivating firefly-watching experiences, they also provide a range of activities including hiking, biking, and camping.

Learn more about their work, here.

Asociación Turismo Rural Comunitario Kusy Kausay (Pongobamba Community, Cusco, Peru)

The Kusy Kausay Association is located just an hour away from Cusco, on the shores of Lake Piuray. The organization is made up of eight women and three men who offer a range of tourism experiences that include handicraft, agriculture and culinary demonstrations.

Additionally, they provide accommodation, guided hikes to explore the local flora and fauna and kayaking on the nearby lake. As part of their services, they also organize traditional Andean wedding ceremonies.

Learn more about their work, here.

Africa, the Middle East, and Europe (AMEE)

Train & Travel with Women For Africa (Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire)

Train & Travel is a local non-profit organization in Côte d’Ivoire that provides women with the opportunity to engage in tourism through training courses.

Bénédicte, the founder of Train & Travel, has established a niche as a capacity developer, empowering communities to offer innovative solutions that generate income through tourism.

Since 2017, the non-profit has successfully trained more than 138 young women, enabling them to pursue careers or invest in community tourism.

Learn more about their work, here.

Tribal Textiles (Mfuwe, eastern Province, Zambia)

Tribal Textiles is a social enterprise dedicated to making a sustainable impact through creativity and craftsmanship. Located in the remote region of South Luangwa, Zambia, they work with local artisans to create ethically handcrafted home décor pieces inspired by Africa’s rich heritage.

From sourcing to production, each piece they create is thoughtfully designed and made by hand, striving to minimize their environmental impact by using sustainable locally sourced materials and repurposing waste.

Learn more about their work, here.

Muhabura Cultural Experience and Craft Centre (Koranya village, Muramba sub-county, Kisoro district – Uganda)

Muhabura Cultural Experience and Craft Centre is a community tourism initiative from Raising the Artisans Co. Ltd. Their mission is to actively engage the local communities surrounding the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and the northern region of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Muhabura Cultural Experience and Craft Centre work showcases the incredible talents and skills of local artisans who create exquisite woven baskets, mats, and other handicrafts, local farmers who produce products like coffee, and knowledgeable cultural and local guides who lead tourists on immersive journeys into the heart of their community.

Learn more about their work, here.

Red Rocks Rwanda (Nkotsi Sector, Musanze District, Northern Province-Rwanda)

Red Rocks Rwanda is not just an ecotourism company; it is a social enterprise dedicated to community empowerment and sustainable tourism through community and conservation programs. 

Through their work, they involve underprivileged communities, like women and youth, in the tourism supply chain, supporting their development and self-sufficiency.

Red Rocks Rwanda empowers these communities through various projects and initiatives, such as providing employment opportunities and training in creative artwork through youth artisan cooperatives.

Additionally, they assist these communities in selling their artwork in urban trading centers, marketing their products, and connecting them with microfinance opportunities.

Learn more about their work, here.


Tenacious Bee Collective (Badsar Village, Himachal Pradesh, India)

Tenacious Bee is a movement dedicated to reviving, preserving, and promoting beekeeping as a sustainable source of income in rural areas.

Over the past five years, they have developed a model that fosters a circular economy, focusing on small-scale beekeeping in their adopted village in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh.

Through this initiative, they have not only created new and exciting employment opportunities for women in the village but also showcased the ecological and economic benefits of transitioning to permaculture farming practices on their small plots of land.

In parallel, they have established a range of services that revolve around the maintenance of traditional beehives and the cultivation of private apiaries, specifically centered on native bee species. 

Learn more about their work, here.

Odisha Ecotourism Foundation (Desia Village, Koraput, Odisha, India)

The Odisha Ecotourism Foundation is dedicated to empowering and conserving nature through the promotion of ecotourism. They firmly believe that ecotourism can serve as a powerful tool for both empowering local communities and protecting the environment.

Their work encompasses various projects, including the management of two community-based eco-lodges in the remote tribal areas of the Koraput Valley, known as Title DESIA.

Learn more about their work, here.

North Andaman Network Foundation – Kao Thep Pitak (Kuraburi, Phnag Nga, Thailand)

The North Andaman Network Foundation (NAN) is a collaborative group comprising dedicated locals, activists, and development experts.

With more than a decade of grassroots experience in Thailand, their work spans various areas, including tsunami relief, conservation efforts, community-based tourism, education, and human rights advocacy.

Learn more about their work, here.

SPOONS Cafe Restaurant (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

SPOONS is a versatile training facility and community space with a mission to benefit students, the local community, and NGO partners in Cambodia.

Their restaurant not only offers delicious meals but also serves as a platform for training programs that support disadvantaged youth.

They allocate 50% of the restaurant’s profits exclusively to these training initiatives, while the remaining 50% is set aside in a reserved capital fund at SPOONS. Their primary goal is to preserve the unique dishes of Cambodia’s traditional cuisine.

Learn more about their work, here.

Sharing Seeds (Sarangkot, Pokhara Nepal)

Sharing Seeds is a not-for-profit social enterprise whose mission is to empower local farmers by providing knowledge and resources to cultivate organic Arabica coffee and practice organic beekeeping.

Additionally, they offer village women opportunities to create sustainable, recycled handicrafts using hemp fabrics, enabling them to achieve economic independence.

In many Nepali villages, numerous community members seek a better quality of life by migrating to other countries. Unfortunately, they often find themselves engaged in risky jobs for minimal income, with some even losing their lives due to harsh working conditions.

At Sharing Seeds, they are dedicated to reversing this trend by inspiring and motivating local youths and rural women to embrace sustainable cash crop farming and engage in income-generating activities within their own villages.

Learn more about their work, here.

Barauli Community Homestay (Kawaswoti Municipality, Godar)

Barauli Community Homestay is a traditional Tharu community homestay located in the village of Barauli near Chitwan, managed by local women.

They provide travelers with a unique opportunity to engage with the community and gain insight into their way of life.

They also offer wildlife-focused activities in the nearby community forest. The homestay compound includes tended gardens and farmyard animals, providing a peaceful retreat when not participating in activities.

Their culinary offerings showcase locally-sourced ingredients, providing a true taste of the region.

Learn more about their work, here.

As you can see, tourism plays a vital role in these organizations’ efforts to keep their culture alive, celebrate their traditions and safeguard the places they call home; and through the GCTF, Planeterra strides to amplify their impact for years to come. 

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